Bauhaus and Theater

     "Total theater" is what Wagner perceived to be an all interactive, integrated performance. Moholy-Nagy also uses this term to explain that the actor should be present with it's spectators. Bauhaus and Moholy-Nagy incorporated mechanics into their works. Their theater started to use the best of the best technology and changed theater for the rest of its days. His main course of action in the theater was to remove the fourth wall that was not literally, but figuratively seen between the audience and the artists/performers. He wanted to change experience that theater is not just a show you go see for entertainment, but it is an experience and an attraction that you are not just spectating, but apart of. You are engulfed into the action and world of the story. 

    This is extremely effective. When you go see a performance or a show, you may be moved by the message within it, but you are not truly feeling it. If you are included in the work, you will experience the story and develop a connection with the characters and all of their stories. This is what makes theater so incredibly life changing. I did musical theater from four years old to sixteen years old. There are a few shows whose stories resonate with me everyday. I had an amazing childhood, but at school I always felt like the odd one out. When I was fourteen, I played the ugly duckling's mother in Honk! The Musical. I felt it was my job to be there, for my son in the show, for anything he needed me for. He was alone and sad and afraid. I believe I still hold this show close to my heart today. I am still not the biggest fan of my peers. I have a hard time making friends, so sometimes I feel like the odd one out. Especially after transferring to a big, new school from being online! I have gotten much better with this, but the storyline of this musical felt very personal to me. I had performed in this show with some of my best friends at the time, so it was a very exciting experience. It was one of my very first big name roles in my musical theater experience. 


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